Well, sadly, hiding from it can only make it worse in the long run. I guess you have to go through it again and again in your mind, so many times, till all the emotions connected with the event fade away. That's what they do dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder. Writing all your feelings on paper may help a lot.
*written by a woman who cried for two hours under the table just two weeks ago and it helped her tremendously*
I always thought that it would make things worse The idea is that if we let ourselves suffer all the rising pain without hiding from it, it will just end eventually and we won't be tortured anymore. You try to avoid it and that makes you torn inside. But what would happen if you faced all of your worst thoughts? But, of course, you would need plenty of quiet time for such a thing, for going under and then sticking broken pieces of yourself back toghether.
Hmm... Probably I should try it sometime Right now I feel like being angry, before I was upset and disappointed, maybe even a little hurt. And, yeah, another amazing tactic, I found out, is think of names how does "Mr. Deepshit" sound to you? I am very proud of it
kitsu_ne, being angry is quite a good stage I think, gives you lots of energy that can be used for good (or bad, of course - maybe plot and implement some revenge, eh?) Yeah, cool name Do you think in English? My names used to be in Russian and weren't as creative as yours - a female goat and the other - a fly ))
Em... To tell the truth, I suck at revenge, and it tends to backfire... But mental revenge... For example, try imagining a person totally covered in shit and bearing a name "Mr. Deepshit". That`s soooooo rewarding
hmm... tricky question.. probably I think in the mix of 3 languages... But English, somehow just sound better
P.S. Being angry kinda made a direct impact on my flats cleanliness. So... actually I am happy in a way, and it helped to get my mojo back
Writing all your feelings on paper may help a lot.
*written by a woman who cried for two hours under the table just two weeks ago and it helped her tremendously*
Going over events again and again.. hmm.. thats interesting. I always thought that it would make things worse
The idea is that if we let ourselves suffer all the rising pain without hiding from it, it will just end eventually and we won't be tortured anymore. You try to avoid it and that makes you torn inside. But what would happen if you faced all of your worst thoughts?
But, of course, you would need plenty of quiet time for such a thing, for going under and then sticking broken pieces of yourself back toghether.
And, yeah, another amazing tactic, I found out, is think of names
Yeah, cool name
But mental revenge... For example, try imagining a person totally covered in shit and bearing a name "Mr. Deepshit". That`s soooooo rewarding
hmm... tricky question.. probably I think in the mix of 3 languages... But English, somehow just sound better
P.S. Being angry kinda made a direct impact on my flats cleanliness. So... actually I am happy in a way, and it helped to get my mojo back